Over 30 years’
global experience

I started my career as a qualitative researcher in 1987. Ichor was set up initially as an international qualitative agency and consultancy as I saw a real gap in the market for a very senior, hands-on international qualitative researcher with strong advertising, marketing & brand skills.

Since that time, I have managed numerous qualitative projects across more than 30 countries, providing the best qualitative research there is. I am still very hands on; you will find me moderating if you hire me for a qual project. I still run and manage international research projects be they 4 groups in London & Paris or 6 groups across 8 countries.

I passionately believe that the best research considers carefully who you want to talk to, why you are talking to them and how best to hold that conversation to elicit the information that’s really needed. And I’ve even created new methods when the tried & tested ones didn’t work.

Good qual that delivers true customer insight necessitates getting up close and personal with people. It isn’t just about what is said, it’s about what isn’t said. It’s about body language, response times, feeling the temperature of a room as ideas or concepts are discussed – none of which you can get from an online survey or by scraping Big Data. You need to see the whites of people’s eyes. Good old qualitative research allows you to engage with real people in real time.

Engaging with
real people
in real time


I run qual training programmes (the most far flung was in Shanghai) for qual researchers of any level, helping them get to grips with everything from writing focused recruitment questionnaires and discussion guides, through to the complex art of moderating and the skill of analysis.

I am also very happy to work with planners who want to run their own groups but feel they would benefit from a bit of help with their moderation skills